Nurse's Corner

  • The Health Office Guidelines are as follows:

    1. If your child has a fever, he/she should stay home for 24 hours after the fever is gone (without medicine).
    2. If your child vomits, please do not send him/her to school. Your child should stay home for 24 hours after the last time he/she vomits.
    3. If your child has any contagious viruses or illnesses they need to stay home. They can return to school with a doctor’s note.
    4. If your child can not participate in gym, OT or PT for a medical reason, please send in a doctor’s note.
    5. No medications will be given without a doctor’s prescription or note.
    6. Please always call the Nurse or Main office if your child will be absent. Please let us know the reason for the absence. 

    If your child suffers from any of the following conditions, you can access the following forms to be completed and returned to the school nurse.

    Please click here to access the following forms:

    • Allergy Action Plan
    • Asthma Treatment Plan
    • Diabetes Form
    • Health Office Guidelines
    • Medication Form
    • Seizure Action Plan