Outreach Services
SBJC can provide your district with expert service providers to address the therapeutic needs of your students.
The South Bergen Jointure Commission employs Occupational, Physical, Speech, Counseling/Behavioral Therapists, School Social Workers, Psychologists, and Learning Disabilities Teaching Consultants to provide services within our district as well as to participating districts.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy addresses the physical, cognitive, psychosocial and sensory components of performance. The SBJC OT focuses on academics, play and leisure, social participation, self-care skills (ADLs or Activities of Daily Living), and transition/work skills.
Physical Therapy
Our physical therapists design and perform therapeutic interventions, including compensation, remediation and prevention strategies and adaptations, focusing on functional mobility and safe, efficient access and participation in educational activities and routines in natural learning environments.
Speech Therapy
Speech therapy focuses on expanding our students’ communication abilities through the development of receptive, expressive, and pragmatic language skills. SBJC’s speech-language pathologists utilize all forms of communication with their students, including nonverbal language, verbal language, and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
Behavior Therapy
Our Behavioral Health Department provides SBJC students with social skills instruction, individual and group counseling, ongoing classroom behavioral support, Functional Behavior Assessments, and the development of individualized behavior plans.