Parent Resources
Special Education Acronyms
AAC Augmentative and Alternative Communication
ABA Applied Behavior Analysis
ABC Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence
ABLLS Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills®
ADA American with Disabilities Act
AFLS Assessment of Functional Living Skills®
ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder
BD Behavioral Disorder, now referred to as ERI (Emotional Regulation Impairment)
BIP Behavioral Intervention Plan
BOE Board of Education
CST Child Study Team
DLM Dynamic Learning Maps
DRA2+ Developmental Reading Assessment, 2nd Edition PLUS
DTI Discrete Trial Instruction
EI Early Intervention
ERI Emotional Regulation Impairment
ESY Extended School Year
FBA Functional Behavioral Assessment
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Act
IEP Individualized Education Program
LDTC Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant
LRE Least Restrictive Environment
MD Multiple Disabilities
NJDOE New Jersey Department of Education
NJSLA New Jersey Student Learning Assessment
NJSLS New Jersey Student Learning Standards
OT Occupational Therapy
PARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers
PP Paraprofessional
PT Physical Therapy
RS Related Services
SBJC South Bergen Jointure Commission
SE Special Education
SLP Speech Language Pathologist
STARs Students Transitioning to Adult Responsibilities (SBJC Program)